
  • Adult codling moths are rarely seen since they are most active during nighttime hours

  • Adult codling moths first emerge in spring, typically within days of apple bloom

  • Egg laying increases as night time temperatures increase above 17°C.

  • Trunk Banding.

  • Homemade Lures. Many moths, including codling moth, can be attracted to fermenting sugar-based lures. A common lure involves molasses diluted about 1:7 in water. Natural yeast will ferment this mixture making it attractive to codling moths. Beer and diluted fruit juices are also sometimes used for making moth lures. For controlling codling moth these mixtures should be placed in an open container (e.g., a cut plastic milk jug, 2-liter bottle) and hung on or near fruit trees. Adding a few drops of soap or other material that breaks surface tension may increase moth captures.

    <2022-12-01 Πεμ>

http://ipm.ucanr.edu/PMG/PESTNOTES/pn7412.html https://extension.colostate.edu/topic-areas/insects/codling-moth-control-in-home-plantings-5-613/

Sanitation. Sanitation should be the first step in any codling moth control program, and it is even more important for those wishing to use primarily nonchemical management approaches. Every week or two, beginning about six to eight weeks after bloom, check fruit on trees for signs of damage. Remove and destroy any infested fruit showing the frass-filled holes. Removing infested fruit before the larvae are old enough to crawl out and begin the next generation can be a very effective method for reducing the population. Thinning out the infested fruit has the added benefit of encouraging the remaining fruit on the tree to grow larger. It also might improve spray coverage, if sprays are used.

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